My Travel Bug

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thailand 2003

We fell in love with Thailand and went back again the following year. This time we went to Phuket and Phi Phi. It is quite strange because as everyone knows I can go quite dark, well black really, and while I was there people often took me for a Thai girl. Which happens a lot when I visit Asian countries, people often mistake me for a native. But anyways, traveling with James, everyone mistook him for that white guy that comes down to Thailand and enjoys the company of a Thai "girlfriend" during their trip. I made it a point to speak in my most loudest American accent.
Looking at these pictures it is amazing to think that we were sitting on the same beach that in 2004 a huge Tsunami came upon its shores. My prayers go out to everyone who lost loved ones that day. I would love to go back sometime, although I don't think you could ever look at the ocean the same way again.
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Vietnam 2003

My trip to Vietnam with some of my Japanese friends. I would have loved to have been able to stay longer...but enjoyed the PHO while I was there!

Thailand 2002

Our first time in Thailand...started in Bangkok and then headed out to Koh Samui.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

travel bug travel bug, take me away.